Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Mew Mew Singh Aur Khomota Bandh O'Padhyay ka amar prem

What is more dangerous than a spurned lover ? A spurned lover who has never been married. Some say that a never married lover is likely to breathe more ash and fire than an oft married one.And as in any matrimonial conflict, the partners can get really mean in case of any permanent breakup (before that stage its fight and flight followed by some delight).

On the one hand we see the oft silent but never salient Mew Mew Singh addressing the nation much like celebrity gives a press statement during their divorce and on the other Ms. Khomoto getting all and sundry intellectuals to show how good a partner she has been but cannot stop when the redline of coalition (pronounced Kooaaalishoon) is crossed. Now I don't blame Ms. O'padhyay.

If your spouse is told by all the neighboring aunties and uncles that he is not performing (Link here) then you have right to be suspicious of him but since he is silent on the issue you may want to give him the benefit of doubt. However if he takes it to his heart and goes out to please all those aunties and uncles then you have a right to be mad esp. since you have focused only on your Kitchen all this time leaving the man of the house to manage the home. To top it all he goes and tells all the children of the house why it's important for him to sleep around.

Now where this acrimony would lead to is anybody's guess but Mew Mew Singh is now being very dare (he means daler) and telling his expat boss that its all right to sleep around since her one time country general manager has set new records and best practices for others to share. Link Here

And so now that the "animal spirits" have been unleashed let the didi's and nikkardhari's organize as many dharnas as possible

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